The Daughters of the Redeemer are into healthcare as managing agents as well as running their own facilities. The sisters manage and run health institutions to provide the much needed health services for adults and children. Some sisters also work in other health institutions as clinicians and nurses.
The Daughters of the Redeemer manage and run the following health facilities, namely: –
Mangango Mission Hospital
The sisters are the managing agencies at Mangango Mission Hospital for Mongu Diocese under the supervision of Kaoma District Health office. The Hospital which was established in 1965. It is situated in Kaoma District in Western Province of Zambia, 50 km from Kaoma along Lukulu Road.
The hospital offers both in and outpatient services and has three wards namely Maternity, Children, male and female general wards. They also offer health care services to the Community including carrying out vaccinations/ immunizations against target diseases, child growth monitoring, health talks, ante- natal care and community diagnosis.
Zambia Helpers Society Hospital
The sisters are in charge of the Zambia Helpers Society Hospital which was opened in 2001 and operates as a private health facility but non – profit making in Chilanga District.
The facility offers hospital based health services comprising basically the investigative and curative services provided in an outpatient department, with support of X-ray and some laboratory investigations. The hospital carries out preventive services such as maternal and child health both at the station and 15 outreach units. Under the HIV/ AIDS programme, the hospital has the preventive of Mother to child Transmission, PMTCT, VCT, DCT and ART with a crew of caregivers.
St Thomas Rural Health Centre
St Thomas Rural Health Centre is situated about 14 km from the main road in Chibombo District. It will serve a catchment area with a population of around 16,045. The facility will offer various services among them women healthcare such as antenatal, delivery and postnatal and child healthcare like vaccinations/ immunizations against target diseases and child growth monitoring.
The facility will offer the much needed inpatient services in the locality.