Sr Maria Kasongo and Sr Faustina Paul

Posted | 11 September 2021 18:00 CAT

Today, September 11, 2021 was a joyous day for the Daughters of the Redeemer congregation as Novice Faustina Paul and Novice Maria Kasongo took their first vows into the congregation. The ocassion was celebrated with Mass at Mount Zion in the Redeemer Chapel and Fr Phillip Phiri was the celebrant.

In his homily, Fr Phiri said Sr Faustina and Sr Maria are presenting themselves to God,they should surrender to Him and work for Him since He is the one who has called them.

“As you begin your religious life, commit yourselves to Christ. Make your life as Daughters of the Redeemer revolve around Christ”, Fr Phiri said.

He said they should work in humility under the supervision of their superiors as they serve Christ and the people of God.

After the homily, Novice Faustina Paul and Novice Maria Kasongo were called to the Altar to take their vows. They did their profession of vows before the Superior General Sr Prisca Matenga. After the vows the newly professed sisters were congratulated by fellow sisters.

Assistant Superior General Sr Grace Fundafunda gave the vote of thanks.

After Mass the website for the congregation was launched by the Superior General Sr Prisca Matenga.