Posted | 16 December 2023 18:00 CAT
Today, Saturday 16 December 2023 was a joyous occasion at Mount Zion for the Daughters of the Redeemer as they celebrated the silver jubilee of Sr Pamela Sampa and Sr Dai Immaculala Moyo who took their first vows to religious life on 28 November 1998.
In his homily, Very Rev Fr Timothy Lubunda who is the Episcopal Vicar in the Archdiocese of Lusaka (ADL) said the two sisters started together and we are celebrating 25 years because they relied on God and depended on each other.
“We are here to celebrate God’s grace of giving Sr Pamela and Sr Dai the tenacity, courage, perseverance, determination and mostly important the spirit to stay and offer 25 years of dedicated service to God and his people”, he said.
Fr Lubunda urged the sisters to continue being humble, religious, keep the faith and to remain focused on Jesus the Redeemer.
In giving a vote of thanks the Superior General of the Daughters of the Redeemer Sr Prisca Matenga paid tribute to the parents of the Jubileans as the ones who first sowed the seed of vocation in their hearts.
“To the Jubileans your journey has been one of gratitude, surrender, availability, love, joy as well as challenges and struggles and many blessings too. Religious life has its own ups and downs like any other life. May you continue to sparkle in the vineyard of the Lord and may your joy be radiated always to the people you serve”, Sr Matenga said.
Sr Pamela shared the following: “I want to express my thanksgiving to God for the past 25 years that I have lived in the congregation of the Daughters of the Redeemer. I will ever continue to thank God for the gift of my parents Mr William Sampa and Mrs Elizabeth Sampa who gave life to me and freely offered me to the Church to follow Christ the Redeemer and they have since gone to the Lord. I am thankful also to my deceased brother Innocent, who took up the responsibility of being a parent to the family.”
“It has been a journey of ups and downs but I thank Jesus my redeemer for everything. I continue to vow poverty, chastity and obedience in the spirit of the constitutions of the Daughters of the Redeemer.”
Sr Dai said this: “My 25 years of Religious life has been like a roller coaster. The ride has been very exciting and rewarding but also very scary on the other hand. With determination, I have found comfort being in the Hands of God. This helped me find my balance, especially in scary and darkest moments. I wouldn’t be celebrating this day without the light of Christ guiding me to this day.”